Constructive co-operation coupled with trust and transparency is key to tap the trade potential of SCO Member States: Smt. Anupriya Patel.

 SCO members must prepare and pursue an agenda that is equitable, inclusive and development oriented: Smt. Anupriya Patel.

She underscored the importance of collective efforts to achieve balanced and equitable economic growth by way of making trade as an engine of reviving growth and driver of economic recovery.  She emphasised that trust and transparency determine the sustainability of global trade and preserving the fundamental principles and objectives of the multilateral trading system.

She stressed on the need to work towards enhancing affordable access to medicines, therapeutics, vaccines as well as health care at affordable prices for fighting any pandemic, such as Covid-19 to preserve the life, livelihood, food and nutritional security of the poorest.

MoS also highlighted that there is a significant gap in digital technologies between developed and developing countries which needs to be narrowed down by building digital capacities.

She lauded the recent initiative of SCO, wherein City of Varanasi has been nominated as the first-ever SCO Tourism and Cultural Capital for the period of 2022-2023. She expressed hope that this will help promote tourism and people-to-people interaction and boost trade and economic cooperation.


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