PM Modi himself bears expense of his food, PMO Secretary replies in response to RTI filing


The BJP-led Union Government has been on a self-proclaimed crusade against corruption since coming to power in 2014. Critics of the government have said that this so-called anti-corruption drive is merely a way for the ruling party to hound and intimidate the opposition.

Binod Bihari Singh, the Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office, has replied to a Right to Information Filing (RTI), saying that not so much as a single rupee is spent from the government budget on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's food, adding that the PM himself bears its cost.

This is presumably meant to draw a contrast between the PM and other Members of Parliament (MPs), who are provided various facilities and allowances, which includes covering the cost of their victuals.

In addition to the query relating to food-related expenses, the RTI also sought to know about the PM's protection costs, vehicle costs and his salary.

The Secretary's reply stated that the Prime Minister's residence is protected by the Central Public Works Department, whereas the responsibility of vehicles lies with the Special Protection Group (SPG).

He added that salary increments for the PM were made as per existing rules.

The BJP-led Union Government has been on a self-proclaimed crusade against corruption since coming to power in 2014, following major scams involving the public exchequer during the rule of the Manmohan Singh-led UPA-II government.

However, critics of the government have said that this so-called anti-corruption drive is merely a way for the ruling party to hound and intimidate the opposition parties and other opponents of the government, while members of the BJP itself are spared from scrutiny.


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