India’s partnerships with global suppliers for ensuring long term supply of fertilisers to Indian farmers will also address international cartelisation by few global players - Dr Mansukh Mandaviya

“India’s partnerships with global suppliers for ensuring long term supply of fertilisers to Indian farmers will also address international cartelisation”. This was stated by Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers Dr Mansukh Mandaviya as the MoU of Madras Fertilizers Limited with M/s Agrifields, Dubai was presented to him, here today.

In a significant step towards improving availability of DAP and NPK fertilizers for the farming community of the country, Madras Fertilizers Limited has signed an MoU for procuring 30,000 MT of Phosphoric Acid Solution from M/s Agrifields, Dubai annually for three years. Approximately 1.67 LMT NPKs will be produced by using this quantity of Phosphoric Acid. This will fulfil the P2O5 requirement to produce 59.6% of total installed capacity (2.8 LMT) of complex fertilizers of MFL.



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